Fly safe, fly fast, fly high
Go big, or go home
Spin to win in Freestyle
Life is not a dress rehearsal
"Mark my word, a combination airplane and motor car is coming, you may smile, but it will come."
Henry Ford 1940
CFC - AirCAR is located in Salt Lake City, UT USA. The AirCAR is a VTOL PAV (Vertical Take off and Landing Personal Air Vehicle).
CFC is developing the world's first mass produced, affordable street legal airplane. We are working to build the proof of concept prototype, obtain FAA / DOT certification, and go into volume production by January 1st, 2023.
We will deliver to you the most advanced light weight carbon fiber composite combination airplane and motor car ever built.
Salt Lake City, Utah is host to several top military composite aircraft manufacturers such as Northroup Grumman, Boeing, ATK, General Atomics Aeronautical, and Nammo Composite Solutions. SLC is also home to 8 world class ski resorts including: Deer Valley, Park City, Snowbird, Alta, Solitude, Brighton, and Snow Basin, and Powder Mtn.
We are like you, we love to travel and visit new places, meet up with old friends, and make new ones. We enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with parents, siblings, and grandchildren, without all the hassles of checking into a major hub airport or driving for 10+ hours in the car each way.
Problem: Traffic congestion in all major cities of the world.
Solution: Personal air and ground vehicles.
Stephen Cook, Founder and CEO of South Jordan, UT based CFC LLC - AirCAR. Mr. Cook has a passion for developing and manufacturing AirCARs. He has worked for 24 years developing production lines to manufacturing life critical medical devices, automobiles, and titanium aerospace fasteners. Now he turns his talents from building world class, six sigma quality, medical devices; to now, a life sustaining vehicle called the AirCAR.
The founder has a passion for playing the sports of Ultimate and Freestyle Mogul Skiing. Where else can you be 53 years old, and still hang out with the vibrant and full of life youth. Mr. Cook coached Bingham High School Club Ultimate.
In addition, Mr. Cook competed in Freestyle Mogul Skiing in the Intermountain Division of the US Ski Association (USSA). He competed at the local Salt Lake City resorts of Snowbird, Alta, Solitude, Brighton, The Canyons, and Powder Mountain. In addition he competed at Telluride and Steamboat, CO; as well as Boise, ID; and Bridger Bowl near Bozeman, MT. He placed 4th in Telluride and 1st at Snowbird in 2004.
The Founder, Mr. Cook coaches Freestyle Mogul Skiing for the Wasatch Freestyle Foundation at Deer Valley Ski Resort, UT.
Throughout all his many travels for sport, Mr. Cook always found the wide open road to be a great challenge that limited his speed to only 55-75 mph. Automotive technology makes faster rates of travel possible. However, the freeway speed limits typically remain 65-75 mph, even out in the big wide open deserts of the west.
These experiences traveling out west and an education in Manufacturing Engineering Technology from Brigham Young University have come together and inspired the founder with a vision and mission to bring personal air travel to the many via an AirCAR.
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Salt Lake City, UT USA
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